In this episode, Marc and Mo discuss ideas of how to make meetings more productive (as captured with the acronym “HELP”: Honesty, Evidence, Learning/Listening, Purpose/Professionalism) and reflect on the recent JBJS article entitled “What’s Important: Surgery and the Aging Orthopaedic Surgeon.” Links: • Mo’s LinkedIn post on Advisory Boards: • Sonnenfeld JA. What Makes Great Boards Great. Harvard Business Review, September 2002. • Zuckerman JD. What's Important: Surgery and the Aging Orthopaedic Surgeon. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2023 Jul 19;105(14):1140-1142. doi: 10.2106/JBJS.23.00054. Epub 2023 Mar 3. PMID: 36867681. Subspecialties: • Orthopaedic Essentials Keywords: Orthopaedics, orthopedics, JBJS, OrthoEvidence, OE, HELP, honesty, evidence, learning, listening, purpose, professionalism, advisory boards, Tom Einhorn, Vern Tolo, Jim Heckman, Joe Zuckerman, work-life balance, culture of open dissent, surgical skills, mentoring
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